IRRC Data Collection Forms

Form Directions
Form 1 asks for graduation and dropout as well as student demographic data, ID&R collaborations in which your state participates, etc. Unlike the other CIGs, IRRC is not based on student achievement and outcomes; rather, on ID&R and increases in state ID&R capacities and infrastructures. Therefore, documenting any ID&R activities and systems is critical.
Form 2 documents consultation and training, providing the source data for item #5 on Form 1. Form 2’s should be scanned and emailed or mailed to META after each training or TA event.
Form 3 is to be used by staff who participate in materials pilots. All states should pilot three new ID&R materials by end of August. Upon completion of pilot activities, scan and email (or mail) these forms to META. NOTE: Given that we probably won't be piloting materials until May or later, this form will probably not be relevant for the March 24th data collection.
Form 4 is the ID&R communication log.
Equity Review Procedures/ Rubric
The IRRC equity review is designed to ensure that all forms, materials, assessments, and other products developed through IRRC are fair, impartial, and equitable for all users regardless of race, gender, national origin, age, language, religion, and individuals with a disability.
IRRC State Contact list
The following states are members of IRRC: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee.