Language Resources

We are working to design and provide access to resources that can be provided at the time of recruitment for migrant families and youth.
This page has a listing of several resources available to all. They can be printed handed out or the fileds can be shared directly via links. All are easy to use and are designed to help learners be able to communicate in daily situations. They focus on direct everyday communication.
Please review each of these resources.
All of the resources listed below are helpful guides to provide to families or youth who are eligible the program. They can be printed and also the audio files can be shared. In addition we have some student pages where the resources can easily be shared via a link. Access these below.
English in Minutes (EIM)
English in Minutes was created to help Spanish speaking migrant and seasonal farmworkers with full conversations in Survival English.
Book 1/ Book 2 / Book 3 /Book 4 / Book 5
English in Minutes Learner Page
This book was created by the Tennessee Migrant Education Program for use with migrant families and youth.
This book was created by the Tennessee Migrant Education Program for use with migrant families and youth.
Bilíngue Inglés–Español Learner Page
This book was created by the South Carolina Migrant Education Program for use with migrant families and youth.
All Audio files from Survival English 1
Ingles de Sobrevivencia Learner Page
This simple book was created to help learners learn Spanish. This is a helpful tool for schools, farms, etc. Spark Innovations has given permission for this book to be used in its current form.
All Audio files from the Spanish Survival Guide
This book was created to help learners learn Spanish. It is more comprehensive than the Spanish Survival Guide. This is a helpful tool for schools, farms, etc. Spark Innovations has given permission for this book to be used in its current form.
All Audio files from Practical Spanish
This book was created for use with Somali speaking migrant families and youth. Audio files are not available with this book. Permission has been granted for this book to be used in its current form.
Access our learner resource pages for various bilingual guides.

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