Welcome to the MEP Referral System

Sample Brochures
School District Sample Brochure #1
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This electronic survey tool has been created to assist in identifying students ages 3 to 21 that are eligible for Title I Part C program. This program focuses on helping students overcome gaps they have in their education. This is done through supplemental programming such as tutoring, summer programs, in-home classes, etc.
What information is needed?
The following information is requested in the process- the name and phone number of the person providing the referral, the contact information of the person/family being referred, when the person/family moved ( if known), how many children in the household, what type of work they came for (if known), and optional is the best time to contact the person/family being referred. It only takes a minute or two to fill out the survey.
What happens once the information is entered?
Once this information is entered into the secure system a program contact from the area of the person/family referred will be notified and will get in contact with the person/family referred.
Who is eligible for Title 1 Part C programming?
Children between the ages of 3-21 who have not yet graduated that have moved in the last three years with an agricultural worker who is their parent or guardian. In some cases for older youth they can also have made the move themselves to work in agriculture.
Why is Title I Part C Programming needed?
As students move they often fall behind in school. Various studies have found student mobility-and particularly multiple moves-associated with a lower school engagement, poorer grades in reading and in math, and a higher risk of dropping out of high school. Mobility can be particularly hard on children in the early grades, as they learn foundational skills.
Thank You We appreciate your help in assisting our efforts to find eligible students in a timely manner to allow them to receive these much needed services.