b'FrutasVerdurasComidas (Sustantivos y preposiciones)EspaolInglsPronunciacinManzanaAppleApl BananaBananaBanana Guindas (Cerezas)CherriesCherris UvasGrapesGreips NaranjaOrangeOranch LimnLemonLemon Frutilla (Fresa)StrawberryStroberri TomateTomatoeTomeito LechugaLettuceLetus ZanahoriaCarrotCarrot Maz (Elote, Choclo)CornCorn Frijoles (Poroto)BeansBins ArvejasPeasPis PapasPotatoesPoteitos CebollaOnionOnion PeraPearpearDnde estn las guindas?Las guindas estn al lado de las uvas. Where are the cherries?The cherries are beside the grapes. Juearar di cherries?Di cherries ar bisaid di greips.Dnde est el limn?El limn est debajo de la banana. Where is the lemon?The lemon is under the banana. Juear is di lemon?Di lemon us ander di banana.Dnde estn los frijoles?Los frijoles estn arriba de la pera. Where are the beans?The beans are above the pear. Juear ar di bins?Di bins ar abav di pear.Dnde estn las zanahorias?La zanahoria est sobre las papas. Where are the carrots?The carrot is over the potatoes. Juear ar di carrots?Di carrot is over di poteitos.Dnde est la frutilla?La frutilla est ente el limn y el tomate. Whaere is the straberry?The strawberry is between the lemon and the tomatoe. Juear is di stroberri?Di stroberri is bituin di lemon and di tomeito.___________________________ 24TennesseeMigrantEducation'