b'ndice / Contents1Food / FudLa Comida12Packaging / PkachinLos Envases.63Measurements in Abbreviations / Mshermentsen abriviishans Medidas en Abreviaciones.64Liquid Measurements/Lcued mshermentsMedidas Lquidas.75Supermarket / SpermarketEl Supermercado.86Restaurant / RstrantEl Restaurante.97Set the table / Set da tibel A poner la Mesa!188House / Da jausLa Casa.189Apartment Building / Aprtment bldin Edificio de Apartamentos2510Decorating the home / Decoritin da joum Decorando el Hogar2611Chores around the House /Chors arund da jaus Quehaceres del Hogar.2812Household Problems / Jusjold prblems Problemas en la Casa2913Tools / Tuls Las Herramientas.3114At the Laundromat /Et da Lndromet En la Lavandera.34This book cannot be reproduced in anyway without the written consent of Spark'